Assam, where nature's beauty and wildlife thrive:
Assam, located in the northeastern part of India, is a land blessed with unparalleled natural beauty. It's a place where the mighty Brahmaputra River weaves its way through the landscape, nourishing lush green plains and dense forests. The region is renowned for its sprawling tea estates, each one a patchwork of vibrant greens against the backdrop of rolling hills. Assam's diverse ecosystem is a haven for wildlife, from the one-horned Indian rhinoceros in Kaziranga National Park to the elusive tigers of the Manas Wildlife Sanctuary. The state's breathtaking biodiversity includes countless bird species, butterflies, and vibrant orchids, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts and photographers. The serene beauty of Assam, with its tranquil rivers, misty mornings, and vibrant sunsets, truly captures the essence of India's natural wonders.
The "Amazon of the East":
Nestled in the embrace of the mighty Himalayas, the Dehing Patkai region of Assam is where the sublime and the perfect seamlessly merge to create an awe-inspiring natural wonder. Often referred to as the "Amazon of the East," this region serves as a sanctuary for a rich tapestry of diverse flora and fauna. It is within this untouched landscape that you'll discover Shangrila Tea Estate, our cherished family venture, cocooned by the serene beauty of its surroundings.
Shangrila Tea Estate: Where Nature and Tea Unite:
Our tea garden shares an intimate connection with nature as it sits adjacent to the Dehing Patkai National Park, connected by the lush Buridehing Forest. This pristine expanse serves as a haven for a multitude of wildlife, and it's not uncommon for untamed creatures to grace our tea garden with their presence. Experience the captivating sight of a majestic wild elephant freely exploring our garden, a testament to the harmonious coexistence between our tea estate and the wild beauty of the Dehing Patkai region.

Dehing Tea Brand:
At Dehing Tea, we take immense pride in delivering the quintessence of tea perfection. Our tea leaves are painstakingly selected from this unspoiled tea garden, ensuring a flavor that is genuinely unparalleled. Each leaf is chosen with the utmost care and dedication to offer you the highest quality possible.
Our tea is more than just a beverage; it is a labor of love, hand-picked from a single origin—our very own tea garden. Indulge in the natural purity and extraordinary flavor of Dehing Tea, where every leaf shares a story of authenticity and unparalleled quality. Embrace Pure Serenity Through Our Tea!